Rustic Glamping

Her Bohemian ethos and wanderlust took her on a weekend trip of rustic glamour — another chic, romantic adventure with the love of her life. He planned that weekend’s jaunt: beach camping in a 1966 Clipper Silver Streak, and anticipation grew within her heart as she waited for his arrival. Golden hues of the evening’s sunset glistened off the Pacific Ocean; her Skova silk shawl with its fine, luxurious fabric caressed her shoulders and fluttered in the ocean breeze.

In contrast to her glamorous lifestyle, her childhood was rather simple. Raised in the countryside, she recalled her childhood with family Sunday dinner around the dining room table, playing music, and plenty of friends. The life of a chic vagabond which she led now was a leap from the quiet predictability she knew a child. Perhaps the solid foundation upon which she’d been raised gave her the confidence to live so freely?

As the sun went down, there was a slight chill in the air. She strolled across the sand and entered the silver camper. She lit vanilla and lavender candles which filled the wooden interior with a warm, golden glow. She placed a few cherished treasures from her travels about the room and unpacked her suitcase filled with silk and satin lingerie, fine-crafted Skova jewelry, scarves and shawls. The juxtaposition of the luxurious fabrics with the vintage camper added an edgy layer of sexiness to the scene. This rendezvous with him was overdue, for over a month had passed since they’d seen one another in person. Living busy lives with hectic schedules did not get in the way of the two of them spending quality time together. Their weekend spent side by side proved to be both exciting and intoxicating, filed with love. The two of them spent those nights nestled around a campfire under the stars, fell asleep to the sound of rolling waves. She was contented as she anticipated her next adventure.


Editorial story shot by Becca Teal Batista

Accessories by SKOVA

Model Misha 

shawl, silk scarf,

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shawls, silk, glamping

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silk shawl, scarf,silk,accessories, hermes

airstream,clipper, silver steak, 1966,shawl,silk scarf.

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Sunset, jewelry, style

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